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How can I wean my toddler from breastfeeding? | BabyCenter


English: Breastfeeding an infant Português: Um...

English: Breastfeeding an infant Português: Um recém-nascido em aleitamento (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



This sounds like my daughter, I am struggling to wean her right now. I am going to try vinegar on the breasts today!


My daughter is 21 months old and I have just successfully weaned her off the breast! I tried weaning her little by little, but she was not taking it. She would get extremely upset.I felt really bad, so I stopped. Then about 3 weeks after I read something about putting garlic in oil and let it sit for a while, after that rub the oil on the nipples.I did that and for my surprise my daughter DID NOT wanted to breastfeed anymore.It took about 5 days of she asking for it and I’m telling her that mommy’s breast was dirty…she took it…for the record, my daughter had NEVER slept through the night, we co-sleep and she used to make my nipples as her pacifier.In the first 4 days, bed time was terrible, I mean, she wouldn’t nap at all, and at night she cried so much,then she would fall asleep and wake up after 1 hour….after 5 days she has been sleeping through the night and has NOT ASKED for it anymore! She’s been eating better than ever as well! Iam very happy and sure I did the right thing!


posted 03/30/2009 by a BabyCenter Member


via How can I wean my toddler from breastfeeding? | BabyCenter.


This may sound cruel, but I was desperate. I was exhausted because my 20 month old stil woke up 2-3 x a night and I was pregnant. I needed rest and my toddler was a little over weight anyway due to she ate everything and nursed a lot. Anyway, I put a little vinegar on my nipples and she said “yucky”. She said it was bad and didn’t want it anymore. She asked for it a couple other times, but I reminded her it was yucky and she agreed. I did have to let her try once more, but now she is fine and sleeping alot better! Thank God! Hope you find what works for you.


posted 07/27/2009 by CHRISTY0830


Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding? | BabyCenter

English: Breastfeeding an infant Português: Um...

English: Breastfeeding an infant Português: Um recém-nascido em aleitamento (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Robert Zurawin

obstetrician and fertility specialist

Yes. In general, you’re less fertile, but not infertile, while breastfeeding. Although you may not menstruate for months after giving birth, your body usually releases its first postpartum egg before you get your first period. So you won’t know you’ve ovulated until two weeks later — when you menstruate.

via Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding? | BabyCenter.